One way won’t get it.


Why did you lose that deal or that client?

For years I’ve been writing a book with the working title, “Stop Selling to Yourself”. The idea behind it is that sales people tend to sell in a style that mirrors how they themselves like to be sold.
This works great when their prospect has the same buying style as they do; but when the prospects style is different, it’s like oil and water and a sale rarely occurs.

Think about the last sales person who really rubbed you the wrong way. One where you later said, “I would never buy from that guy at ANY price!”

Why do these sales people irritate you so? In my studies on buying and selling styles, I have found that most sales people have simply not learned to read and adapt to the buying styles of their customers. Instead, most sales people sell in just one style – theirs. That’s too bad, only 20-30% of customers will like their selling style, another 30-50% may tolerate it, but at least 20% will be completely turned off by it! Can you imagine losing 20% or more of your sales simply on miss-matched style alone?!?!

OK, so what are the buying styles?
Buyers typically will fall into one of four basic styles. And yes, some buyers are a combination of buying styles. However, in general, one of these four styles dominate a person’s buying pattern.

The High-D (Drive) buying style is direct and decisive and high ego. Often these are the CEO’s, Presidents, any of those BIG titles. In fact, CFO’s are most often High-D. They want you to, skip the small talk, cut to the chase, tell them what you do and what’s in it for them. For these buyers you must make rapport building short and sweet and move to finding out what their issues are and tell them how you can help them. They will tune your butt out if you take too long to get to the point or get into features for which they have no interest. These buyers move fast so you better keep pace with them.  And the funny thing about High-D’s is that once they get to know you and like you, you can’t shut them up; totally different from the initial “facade.”  Also, once won over, they are VERY loyal.

The High-I (Influence) style enjoys engaging in conversation and discussing the big picture. They are visionaries. They want the stage. They want you to let them talk about their needs and experiences and to engage them in how they will use your service. These too are usually the Founder, Owner, President, CEO types. They will lose interest if you get to “granular” or don’t keep them at the center of the conversation. They like big ideas as much as the sound of their own voice. I’ve personally experienced buyers like this where we talked very little about their needs or my solutions but they ended up buying from me because I gave them what they wanted, the stage; to tell their stories, to impress me with their vast knowledge. In doing so, they “liked” me and that’s one of the keys to the sale.  As clients, there is not much you can do with these High-I’s as they are forever lost in their own heads. Just stay in touch and make them feel appreciated.

People with a High-S (Steadiness) style want you to get to know them. For a High-S, it is all about the relationship. HR people, while not necessarily buyers, are great examples of High-S. They will buy from you because they like you and trust you. They will shut down if you become pushy or demanding. Earning their trust takes time, and it can be lost in a single moment. Reaching the emotion behind their decision making is easier than with any other buying styles because it’s right there on the surface.  And once they are a client, you MUST nurture the relationship. If you don’t, they probably will not be a client for long.  Think of them like filling a bucket with a one inch hole bottom with water. If you don’t keep putting water in, that bucket will quickly go empty.

High-Cs (Compliance) want to be sure they are making the right decision. Common High-C’s are Controllers, or someone who reports to someone else. They are very afraid to make a mistake. They want you to present information in a logical, linear fashion. They want the details and time to go through them. They will tune you out if you make claims you can’t back up or try to force a decision before they are ready. Their decision will still be an emotional one (old brain), but their routine is simply that they have to go through the motions of analyzing the details to justify the emotional decision they have already made (even though they don’t realize they have already made it!)  Once they are clients, frequently check in with them to make sure they are pleased with your service. Let them know you’ve got their back should anything go wrong, and that they can always call you if they feel the need to.  Make them feel safe.

Again, most sales people ignore all this and sell the way they want to be sold to. So what happens when a High-D (get to the point) sales person tries to sell to a High-S (get to know me) customer, or when a High-I storyteller tries to sell to a High-C (give me the facts) customer? Maybe an interesting interaction, but probably not a sale. If the sales person doesn’t adapt to the customer’s buying style, he or she can easily lose the sale – not because the service doesn’t meet the customer’s need – simply because the sales person was selling in the wrong style.

The greatest sales people are chameleons! They adapt and change personalities on a dime.

Recognizing Buying Styles
How do you recognize a person’s buying style? It’s pretty easy if you just look for it. Most people will unconsciously tell you all you need to know by the things they say, the things they do, the way they decorate their office, their LinkedIn or Facebook page, and even their voice mail message. For example, if a prospects voicemail message is, “You know what to do, beep” then you know, this person’s buying style is a High-D. And you know this from just five words!  Their LinkedIn or Facebook page will be loaded with their accomplishments, quotes about winning or politics. It’s all about them and their ideas. Their office will look the same; maybe even a couple animal trophies on the wall! Get to the point; don’t waste time with idle chatter.

Or suppose you hear, “I am sorry that I am not here to answer, but your call is very important to me. Please leave a message and I promise to get back with you. Have a nice day.” You can tell from the language that this person is screaming “Relate to me” – a very High-S message. Their Facebook page will be filled with beautiful sunset photo’s, pictures with family, will have quotes on “being kind”, you get the idea. This person wants you to get to know them. They want you to take your time, understand their needs, and build trust. Don’t start selling before you’ve given proper time to the relationship building they require. The point is people are telling you how to sell to them, IF you are paying attention and know what to look for.

The point of this Tip is to stop “Selling to yourself!”  (I’ll finish that book… one day.)
You will be SO much more successful when you recognized and adjust to the way each customer buys. The message of Buying Styles is simple: adapt or continue to be a mediocre sales person.

Ladies and gentleman, this one is too easy not to get it right. Take the time to study this concept and start diagnosing your prospects buying styles, and adapt yours accordingly. Your bank account will notice the difference!

Onward & Upward!